Dear Stephanie ,
THANK YOU! I am stationed on Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan and candy is not easy to get here, SO, it is GREATLY appreciated! I am a United States Army Soldier who is part of the Criminal Investigation Division(CID). I investigate crimes that occur on base and in areas around the base. We work long hours and don’t get very much time off here. I have been in Afghanistan since February, but I get to home to Florida around the end of December. I see that you are from New Jersey. It must be getting cold there!
Thank you again for the candy! It is nice that you think of us stationed so far away. The United States of America is truly the greatest country on earth. NEVER forget that. The people here are very poor and without proper schools or freedoms we take for granted. I cannot wait to get back to our great country. We are blessed!
I have attached a picture of me and the soldiers I work with. I am second from the left on the bottom row, holding the tip of the flag. Take care and have fun in school!
SSG Mary